Location: Robinvale Vic
Employment type:  Full-Time
Salary: SCHADS
Closing Date:  2024-05-30
Call: (03) 5026 4501

Email: [email protected]

For more information about this role, or to apply please contact [email protected] 

or please call (03) 5026 4501  

The Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-0p is committed in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children

Please note, COVID-19 Vaccination is an employment requirement at MVAC

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Play Group Facilitator

Are you passionate about improving the health and well-being of Indigenous communities?

Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative was established in 1974 with the aim to provide Health, Housing and Child Care / Education to our Community. MVAC is now the largest service provider in Robinvale and welcomes you to apply for this position. MVAC is committed to the Child Safe Standards and strives to embed this commitment throughout the organisation. Compliance to these standards is a mandatory requirement for all staff members.

Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative (MVAC) is committed to creating a child & family friendly environment by delivering culturally safe programs.
The supported playgroup program. has been established to support families, provide early intervention and assist with the transition to school. The facilitator will work with families to develop parents/caregivers’ skills and confidence, provide a diverse range of activities designed to meet the developmental stages of children and extend their learning opportunities. The facilitator will Support families to implement and participating in developmentally appropriate play experiences with their children, assist parents to access parenting information, other family support services and agencies within the local community.
The facilitator is responsible for coordinating the overall implementation of the playgroup sessions, including enrolment, delivery of the sessions and evaluation.

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