Integrated Family Services (IFS) provides in-home support to families with children 0 – 18 years who may be experiencing difficulties or are at risk. This program provides families with the necessary supports to strengthen their relationships, build parenting skills and connect families with their community.
Violence Program aims to provide support to Aboriginal people who use inappropriate behaviour towards their family members. This service is designed to empower them to deal with their issues in a culturally appropriate manner.
This also includes enhancing the safety of Aboriginal people experiencing or recovering from family violence through the provision of timely and appropriate support services, case management and service projects directed at Aboriginal people attempting to address their violent behaviour including counselling, behaviour change programs, mentoring cultural and spiritual healing activities.
The Kinship Care Case Worker will work in partnership with kinship carers, children and young people, birth parents, extended family and professional stakeholders to strengthen the carer’s capacity to provide a safe and stable environment which nurtures the child’s development, wellbeing and culture.
Download the charter for children in out of home Care brochure Download our Kinship brochure
MVAC offers support, assisted referral, care planning and assistance for Aboriginal people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
We’d love to hear from you.
If you need more information about some of our services, please get in touch with the details below, or send us an email.
87 Latje Rd
Robinvale VIC 3549
Copyright MVAC