Housing has been purchased or constructed by MVAC since the 1960’s to provide access to appropriate housing for its members and has, and will continue to grow its housing portfolio.
MVAC bases its aims on the fundamental acknowledgement that safe and affordable housing contributes to the foundation of a person / families social wellbeing and mental health.
The Community Housing and Infrastructure Policy (CHIP) 2003-2005 outlined ATSIC’s commitment to assist Indigenous people to have access to safe and healthy living environment, in a location of their choice. In keeping with these policies MVAC reviewed its own policies to ensure its housing objectives are consistent with the current guidelines.
MVAC also supports home ownership for tenants and encourages eligible tenants to seek finance through Indigenous Business Australia (IBA)
MVAC objectives of our Housing Program in relation to Robinvale are:
MVAC will also assist clients access other housing agencies, provide advocate and refer you to other wrap around service that are available.
If you are experience homelessness CALL 1800 825 955 to speak directly with a housing and support worker.
For online services visit consumer.vic.gov.au to find information on renting, help to resolve disputes and other helpful information.
We’d love to hear from you.
If you need more information about some of our services, please get in touch with the details below, or send us an email.
87 Latje Rd
Robinvale VIC 3549
Copyright MVAC