Location: Robinvale Vic
Employment type:  Full-Time
Salary: Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award 2010
Closing Date:  2024-06-28
Call: (03) 5026 4501

Email: [email protected]

For more information about this role, or to apply please contact [email protected] 

or please call (03) 5026 4501  

The Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-0p is committed in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children

Please note, COVID-19 Vaccination is an employment requirement at MVAC

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Elder Care Support (ECS) Coordinator

Are you passionate about improving the health and well-being of Indigenous communities?

The ECS Coordinator role will support identified clients to navigate access to appropriate local aged care support services. They will provide advocacy support to ensure clients receive a culturally safe assessment plan.

The ECS Coordinator will support clients to understand their aged care service entitlements, including My Aged Care registration, contractual arrangements, and costs, and will help ensure Elders and their family are well-prepared for plan reviews and outcomes. This role will liaise with aged care Assessors to ensure Elders are well-supported throughout the assessment process.
Underpinning the role are two key work practices: cultural safety and trauma informed practice.
The ECS Coordinator will work closely with the Aged Care Connector to support identified clients. The duties of the ECS Coordinator may vary depending on the specific needs of the customer.

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