Location: Robinvale Vic
Employment type:  Full-Time
Salary: Health Professionals and Support Services Award
Closing Date:  2024-10-30
Call: (03) 5026 4501

Email: [email protected]

For more information about this role, or to apply please contact [email protected] 

or please call (03) 5026 4501  

The Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-0p is committed in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children

Please note, COVID-19 Vaccination is an employment requirement at MVAC

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Health Promotion Officer

Scope or Purpose of Position

Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.

The Health Promotion Officer will take a team approach working across the organisation with all wrap-around services taking a holistic approach to community health and wellbeing, but the main focus will be on prevention and health promotion planning.

Contractual Employment Period

Twelve months in the first instance; possibility of extension depends on funding and satisfactory completion of the probation period.

Required Pre-Employment Conditions or Screening Checks

All MVAC employees, prior to any appointment, are required to obtain or hold a current police check (no older than three months before application) and maintain:

  • A Working with Children Check. For more information: www.justice.vic.gov.au/workingwithchildren/
  • A current unrestricted drivers’ licence, and
  • A current First Aid Certificate (code finishing in 0003 or greater), and
  • Any other status deemed necessary for the position, for example, nursing qualifications, etc

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • Deliver health promotion strategies (including capacity building) that align with key health promotion priorities, including specifically the primary prevention of violence against women and gender equity as well as promoting respectful relationships among young people.
  • Support other activities that align with MVAC priority areas, including, but not limited, to sub-regional Aboriginal eye health advisory group and oral health activities.
  • Use of clinical data systems to establish activities and interventions.
  • Participate in Healthy Communities Network meetings.
  • Participate in other relevant networks as directed e.g. DHHS Population Health Network, CERSH sexual health network meetings
  • Attend and participate in meetings arranged with, stakeholders, staff and other community as requested
  • Participate in Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) activities

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If you would like to apply for this role, or to obtain more information. Please fill out the form below.

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